A great educationist once said: “Education is something which remains with a person after he has forgotten everything he has learnt.” These observations properly emphasize the omnibus purpose and objective of real educative process. We, the members of the Saraswathi Education Society, Thane, honestly believe that education must bring about total development of human being and must, besides achieving intellectual development, ensure cultural enhancement, moral refinement and a deep realisation of humanitarian values along with a passionate adherence to patriotic fervour.
SES is one of the government aided recognized schools located in Panchpakhadi, Thane (W); working at three levels:
~ Pre-Primary & Primary
~ Secondary
~ Higher Secondary.
Besides maintaining a competent, enthusiastic staff along with modern cultivated classroom techniques which help the students in maintaining laudable intellectual standards we sincerely endeavour to promote various co-curricular activities including debates and elocution, drama, dance, sports, hiking, mountaineering, etc., which bring to surface the latent potential of a student for oratorical, histrionic, terpsichoral and other skills which appropriately shape the all round development of the younger promising generation. We attempt to ensure that the student leaving our educational campus after completing his education at the HSC level is fit enough to meet the challenge of any physical or intellectual needs of the day.
“SES students exemplify Thane’s standards of excellence; whether sharing discoveries in the class-room, pursuing learning on-line, or developing friendship on the playground, they are constantly learning and growing while enjoying school!”
We recognize and honour the uniqueness of individuals and prepare them academically and socially to meet the challenges of the world
Our Strength Is:
~ SES values partnerships among management, staff, students, parents and the community.
~ A safe, caring, positive and supportive environment enhancing the educational process and the learner
~ Open and timely communication essential for a healthy school community
~ Creating a sense of responsibility in our students towards the community and the world.
~ Cultural Diversity and global awareness
“What began in the year 1952 as one man’s dream is today a glowing and growing reality. A vibrant school which provides excellence in preparatory education and challenge the potential of each student , encourage student to honour every human being.
Classrooms are spacious, (average area: 500 sq. ft.) well ventilated and have lighting arrangements as per standards. The number of students in each class is restricted so that the teachers give individual attention to each student. Aesthetically designed furniture has been provided in each classroom, keeping in mind the comfort of the child.

“What began in the year 1952 as one man’s dream is today a glowing and growing reality. A vibrant school which provides excellence in preparatory education and challenge the potential of each student , encourage student to honour every human being.
S.E.S. combines experience with vision to create an exciting environment for its students with the provision of excellent infrastructure as follows:-
- Well equipped library and laboratories
- Art room and Music room
- Computer room with 38 computers.
- Games Hall with an all purpose stage for various functions.
- A playground.
- Audio visual room.
Set amidst the heart of the city on a vast campus at Thane, the S.E.S. High School can boast of the most congenial atmosphere for the assimilation of knowledge. Tall trees, shady nooks, splendid buildings surrounded by well laid out playground give an ambience of its own. The campus possesses all the amenities for the overall development of the students: auditorium, Playground, games hall, music room, drawing room, Audio Visual Room and computer centre. The aim is to provide the right environment for the development of the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual quotients so as to produce socially committed citizens, well equipped to handle the challenges of modern society.
Classrooms are spacious, (average area: 500 sq. ft.) well ventilated and have lighting arrangements as per standards. The number of students in each class is restricted so that the teachers give individual attention to each student. Aesthetically designed furniture has been provided in each classroom, keeping in mind the comfort of the child.
A well-stocked library helps students in their work. Children are exposed to a good store of reading material during the weekly library periods. This exposure helps the students to build up a firm foundation in reading and comprehension. Library books are allowed home from Std. V onwards. Students are allowed to borrow books and retain them for a period of one week. They are also given ample time for reference work and can make use of the large number of reference books available.
Science today, is a synonym for life. Our activities, actions, even our thoughts are scientific now. Keeping in view these changing times, we feel that theoretical knowledge is futile without the practical application of the same. Hence, to keep our students abreast of the technology driven times we ensure that the practical knowledge is at par with the theoretical knowledge and thus the need for Science Laboratories. The laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology are equipped in accordance with the specifications of national examination boards.

Computer Room
S. E. S. High School integrates information and communication technology into the curriculum, and thus provides the latest resources in this field. The school's computer facility provides state-of-the-art computing facilities. We have competent teachers to train the students in the latest software medium and keep them updated with the latest computing skills beginning from the Pre-Primary.
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